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why I hate the Wooting 60 whatever the crap keyboard
A lot of people told me that since I am a PC enthusiast that I should love this inovation. Please stop, just stop. My plan is to make a driver or .dll file that will block the rapid trigger feature, but that will take some time.
To not be negative all the time, this is the only good thing I can say about it. If you NEED a hybrid between a controller and a regular keyboard, then ye it is pretty good. With that said, that is where my positives end.
The negatives
- Too expensive for what it offers (it is a very new technology, so that makes sense)
- The switch actuation points are inconsistent, well kinda, depends on the settings and game played or task at hand
- This is more or less a developer issue, but no function keys? like wtf I use those all the time
- it is basically pay to win, if u use it, u are stupid and waste money on dumb shit like this
- u sacrifice control and precision for speed, so not for me, nope
- if you want to swap the switches for whatever reason, then good effing luck, u cannot do that, u can only replace them with the same switches, wtf
- if you already have a good controller or keyboard, then it is pointless to get the wooting or any analog keyboard for that matter
- ??? plastic housing at that price, like come on, give us aluminum ffs
- And lastly all it is, is a heavily modded custom keyboard, nothing more, nothing less
More will be added me, there is more...